The Margin Partners Workshop
How we reclaim the 10% of Profit you didn’t
know you’re losing

Find & fix profit erosion

Workshop Benefits

  1. 5-15% of immediate Profit recovery
  2. 5-15% of incremental Profit opportunity
  3. A material improvement in Cross Functional Productivity
  4. Empowerment of Functional Staff
  5. Higher Employee Engagement

Workshop Process

  1. Compare the ‘service experience’ against a contractual benchmark
  2. Map functional processes to identify leakage hotspots
  3. Apportion annualised profit impact
  4. Construct recommendations for resolving, trading or accepting
  5. Agree who, how and when the value can be recovered

Workshop Methodology

2 weeks prior – Preparation

Determining what a ‘good workday’ should look like:

  1. Relevant contracts and Service Level Agreements reviewed
  2. Profit & loss ‘actual versus budgeted’  comparison is provided by line item
  3. Functional participants in the value chain identified from both supplier & customer side
  4. Participants are interviewed to ascertain the level and causes of satisfaction in the relationship (optional)
  5. Initial hypothesis’s established


Day 1 – Exploration

Unearthing what is transpiring on any given day & why:

  1. Line by line of the Profit & Loss. Function by function amongst the participants
  2. Questioning of where and why variations are occurring to the agreed contractual benchmark
  3. Defining the root causes as behavioural, knowledge, process or other
  4. Apportioning an annualised cost to each variations (Figure 2)
  5. Ranking each leak by overall importance



Day 2 – Recovery

Which leaks should be fixed; how, when and by who?

  1. Collective prioritisation of where to focus resources
  2. Construction of commercially sensitive pathways to reclaim value
  3. Filtering likely impacts against the expectations of all stakeholders
  4. Apportioning of ownership, timings and supports required
  5. Participants redefine what a ‘good workday’ must look like



Day 3 – Creation

What opportunities have been discovered?

  1. Insights & themes from Days 1 & 2 are reviewed
  2. Ideas emerge to create value from behaviour, knowledge or process innovations
  3. Small teams develop & quantify specific value opportunities
  4. Targets, timelines and accountabilities for delivery are set
  5. Wrap up




  • Price On Application.
  • Tailored to complexity & participant quantity
  • Venue, catering and travel expenses

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